EVEN WHEN THE STORMS HIDE IT'S FACE, BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD.... This had always keep me strong and going against all odds.
It is true that since 2015 general election , we have been passing through great and greater storm in all areas of our life . As days goes by , it keep getting more hard and difficult to obtain resources or acquire wealth . All goods and services skyrocketed in a way that can be commensurated in all angles . Prices of food items continues to increase , double digit inflation and economic recession had been hitting we all hard to an extent that our biggest single currency...1000 naira can no longer cook a food that one can eat with his or family . When all this ups and down keep reoccurring and manifesting each day of the week and the Govt of the day seems clueless on the best strategy to provide palliative to all these afore mentioned problems . I have this to tell us ;
I will tell us a story about a train travelling through the night in a very violent rainstorm. The lightening flashes were almost blinding .The rain hitting the windows were deafening and the strong winds rocked the train from side to side. When the lightening flashed and lighted up the darkness, the passengers could see the rising water along the tracks. This creates terror and fear in the minds of the passengers, a little girl , seemed to be at perfect peace . The adult passengers couldn't figure out why the little girl was so calm during the turbulence. Finally , one passenger asked her , " How is it that you can be so calm when all the rest of us are so worried about what might or could happen ? ". The little passenger smiled and said calmly , " My father is the train engineer ! ". Amazing just like the little girl .
Moral lesson
At times God allows us pass through storms in our life ...We must always know that God is the Engineer of the universe and will not allow shame and anyone to hurt us a lot . He is the omniscient and omnipotent. He sees all and knows all too . He is everywhere . His plans for us is for good , prosperity and not for evil and disaster. Learn how to smile even when it seems like tears and agony fills your heart. Learn how to be positive and strong willed even when you see negativity around you . Look on to God your Lord and personal saviour. Be strong willed like the little girl . Pray fervently, in season and out of season , be patient and appreciate, if God can open your eyes to see the battle and plans the enemy are planning for you , you will be marvel for what God is doing all through when your in storm ... Come close to God and God will come close to you . Time heals all wounds. Have faith and hope in My father . GOOD MORNING MY BELOVED .
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