Sunday, 2 April 2017


Happy new month and April words for my pals

we alway say that every disappointment is a blessing, but I think it is not always the literal interpretation, Every disappointment is not always a blessing but a cross we have to carry for the next appointment to come at it own time, life does not always work out the way we plan it, cos if we dont succeed, we should dust it off and try again, every silver crowd has it lining, there is no smoke without fire, success comes at last but not at the begining, dont give up on anything u like so much or anything or body that gladens your heart, keep working hard, doing your best cos at the appointed time, the cross will become a crown. The popular April fools became an august fool beacause he gave up when things become hard or when disppointment became a recurring decimal and a phenomenon in his life, This is my April lovely wish for you and I. Thank God for making this come to my mindset, i really learnt alot from today. You can share to your friends ,I love you all.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

MY MOTHER IS A HEROINE. .. Happy Mother's day to all mothers all over the world

MY MOTHER IS MY HEROINE..... Happy Mothers day mum


M - is for MUM,
U - is for Unique in every way
M - is for Memories enshrined forever
With a mum like you I could never be glum

Your smile is like sunshine, it warms me through and through
Your eyes are pools of liquid love that just makes me want to cry
To hug you till I die

When I was little you showed your love in every way
By applying magic plasters and kisses by the day
Every hurt you healed with loving grace
Bringing back a smile to my tearstained face

Nothing was ever too much for you
You were my taxi, my mentor, my mum
All I asked of you, with love you would do
Sometimes with a sigh, a look, a gesture
But always with buckets of love by the measure

When I was inconsolable and my heart was broken
Your arms around me, loving words were spoken
You gave me faith and hope that love would be mine one day
That my knight in shining armor would surely come my way

You were there when my hand was given away,
and cried as dad handed me over
You gave me a hug and squeezed my hand, its' ok, love,
I'll always be here for you night and day

You took turns in mopping my brow when my babies came along
You gave me support and strength to carry on
Helped me through teething, colic and broken bones
Always with compassion, caring and calm

Mum, my debt to you is undisputed
My love for you unconditional and limitless
You are my rock, my anchor, my safe harbor in times of stress
Thanks mum, for everything, I love you


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Understanding The Signs Of Diabetes Disease

Diabetes, often referred to as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. Early diagnosis of the early signs of diabetes, can stop the disease from advancing. So, what are the different diabetes symptoms that  we can show? Let’s find out from the write up below.

Usually referred to as the silent killer, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death amongst human beings all over the world. The weird thing about this disease is that men are more prone to it than women, according to a recent statistical report. The only way to make sure that you can be safe from this killer is to detect its symptoms at an early stage, and to understand the signs, you first have to understand how the body gets affected by this condition.

Humans need glucose which is derived from the various foods we consume for energy to perform our day to day activities. These foods when consumed turn into sugar, which then spreads to all the various parts of the body. The sugar levels are controlled by the secretion of insulin by the pancreas in our body. When a person suffers from this condition, his/her pancreas fails to produce enough insulin for the body and the end result is diabetes.

 Signs of Diabetes

One of the main causes of diabetes is poor health and lots of stress and tension. It’s very surprising to see an increase in the number of diabetics every year. If not taken proper care of, this deadly disease can result in grave danger and lead to many other health complications. So many dangers and yet men don’t even realize that they suffer from it until it’s too late. So, to make sure that the situation doesn’t get out of hand, here’s a list of some of the early signs for your perusal.

Erectile Dysfunction

One symptom of diabetes which occurs only in men and it’s called erectile dysfunction. This disorder slowly injures the blood vessels in and around the penis. This damage makes it impossible for a man to get an erection. It is not an early sign of the disease though.

 Frequent Urination (Polyuria)

The most common sign of diabetes is frequent urination which is also known as polyuria. This is probably one of the most annoying symptoms that a diabetic patient has to face daily. It’s caused due to the rise of glucose levels in the body, which hampers the kidneys to such an extent that it cannot filter or absorb water properly.

Fatigue and Exhaustion

Experiencing fatigue, stress, and exhaustion on a daily basis is also a prominent diabetic sign. As the pancreas  is unable to break the sugars into glucose, the male always feels low on energy.

Polydypsia (Drinking lots of water)

Feeling thirsty all the time is one of the foremost signs. It occurs because the high levels of glucose absorb the moisture content of the body.

 Blurry Vision

This ailment may also cause problems with the vision. Medical reports say that the high levels of glucose affect the lens of the eyes. It can also damage the rear blood vessels of the eye, which often leads to permanent blindness.

Increased Appetite
If you feel hungry or are starved all the time, there’s a high chance that you are a diabetic man. A sudden increase in appetite is a strong indication towards diabetes.

 Weight loss

A sudden increase or decrease in weight is also a warning for this condition. When a man suffers from this disease, the body wastes more sugar as a result of frequent urination. For proper nourishment, the body then starts using up the proteins in the body, which leads to unexplainable weight loss.

 General Body Pain

Severe headache and muscle & body pain also indicate diabetes. A person suffering from diabetes may also suffer from irregular sleep patterns.

 Delayed Wound Healing

The most important sign of this silent killer in men is delayed wound healing. What causes this slow healing is still a matter of debate. Nerve damage and numbness in fingers, toes, and other parts of the body is also a sign of this dangerous disorder.

 Diabetes is a dangerous disease and if not taken proper care of, it can lead to various health complications, which will ultimately result in the death of a person. Knowing the early signs of this ailment is an effective way to ensure that proper treatment is taken at the right time, which will ultimately avoid further damage. Remember, a stitch in time they say, saves nine.

Stay Healthy!!!

Friday, 17 March 2017


#SadButTrue Series

1. Realize this: No matter what you say and how you say it, SOME people will never get it. That's not your fault! #SadButTrue

2. No matter how pure your motives are, SOMEBODY will still accuse you of ill intentions. Stay pure anyways. #SadButTrue

3. No matter how humble you are, somebody will still consider you proud. Stay humble, anyway. #SadButTrue

4. No matter how generous you are, somebody will still call you "selfish". Remain generous, anyway. #SadButTrue

5. Some of your greatest pains will come from those you gave the most pleasure.#SadButTrue

6. Some of your greatest disappointments will come from those you gave your best appointments. #SadButTrue

7. Some of the worst things you'd hear about yourself may come from those you speak the best of. #SadButTrue

8. Not everyone in your ship is paddling in the direction of your dream destination. Discernment is key. #SadButTrue

9. Loving people sometimes means feeling used by them.

10. If you fall for the temptation to take an eye for an eye, you'd be blinded to the bounties God has in store. #SadButTrue

11. Sometimes, doing the right think ends up making you look like a fool. #SadButTrue

12. Tough as it seems, any evil done against you can become a seed for your promotion. It depends on your response. #SadButTrue

13. I'd rather appear foolish now and see the wisdom of God unfold than appear wise now and turn out a fool later. #SadButTrue

14. Promotion doesn't come by fighting for your rights but by being faithful in doing what is right. #SadButTrue

15. Those who will enjoy true promotion must be willing to forgive freely, forgive quickly and forgive wholly. #SadButTrue

16. Those who will relish true promotion must be willing to serve many for free!

17. Read with caution: Sometimes, to see what God can do, you have to be willing to stop what you can do. #SadButTrue

18. Without God's sign off, your biggest step can turn out to be your biggest mistake. #SadButTrue

19. Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does. #SadButTrue

20. Problems are easier to solve than people. #SadButTrue

21. Many people will celebrate you only as long as your advancement doesn't exceed their expectations of you. #SadButTrue

22. Some people get close enough to you just to find something bad about you to broadcast to the world. #SadButTrue

23. Some people are quiet when you're succeeding but quick to point out your failures.

24. Some people are in your life for a reason. Some people in your life would prefer to see you in prison. #SadButTrue

25. Love your enemies. Pray for them that despitefully use you. That hasn't changed. #SadButTrue

26. Hating those who hate you makes them your leaders, since you're following their footsteps. #SadButTrue

27. Rather than react to the situation. Respond to your revelation. #SadButTrue

28. When people show you who they REALLY are, show them who God is- Good! Always do them good. #SadButTrue

29. We don't do to people what they've done to us. We do to them what God's done to us. We love them. #SadButTrue

30. Believe the best even when you're going through the worst. #SadButTrue

31. Keeping a grudge is like keeping garbage you can't use, yet it's taking up space and no one is paying you rent. #SadButTrue

32. Malice is a demonstration of your faith in the pain caused you in the past. It keeps you stuck. #SadButTrue

33. Rather than perpetuate pain. Promote peace, stir up joy and spread love. #SadButTrue

34. They hurt you?Don't hold it against them. Hold them up in prayer. #SadButTrue

35. Some people may think this post is targeted at them. No. Everyone alive will need one of the points at some point. #SadButTrue

36. Forgiving people is not just a good idea. It's a GOD idea. Actually, more than an idea. It's an instruction. #SadButTrue

37. How you respond to a situation can be more important than the situation. #SadButTrue

38. Your ability to overlook an offense determines the degree of dominion you'd exercise over many other things. #SadButTrue

39. Wisdom will help you solve problems. A large heart will help you accommodate people. You need both. #SadButTrue

40. When all is said and done, let the love of God in your heart pour through your daily
walk. Peace to you. #SadButTrue

Thursday, 16 March 2017


How To Relief Yourself Of Constipation Easily

Constipation is a bothersome and painful experience. Most people don’t like talking about it because they find it unpleasant to relate with. Everyone of us at a particular time in our life has had constipation before.  This article gives you some helpful tips for fast constipation relief. Constipation is basically a digestive disorder and can be caused by myriads of things.

Factors associated with diet, hormones, anatomical and medication side effects, or certain illnesses may affect the excretion process, resulting in hard faeces that are difficult to expel. When the food moves through the gastrointestinal tract too slowly, it causes the colon to absorb more water from the food, which in turn makes the faeces abnormally hard and dry. People suffering from this illness experience infrequent bowel movements and pass hard stools or strain during bowel movements.

The prominent symptoms of constipation include

Passing out hard stools,

Passing out less than three stools a week,

Abdominal pain while passing stools, and

Experiencing a feeling of rectal blockage.

Straining to have bowel movements

Hard and/or small stools

Abdominal bloating, occasionally distension

Anal bleeding or tear from the trauma caused by hard stools

Occasionally diarrhea due to obstruction of the colon by hard stool

Rarely colonic perforation

Psychological distress and/or obsession with having bowel movements

Possible aggravation of diverticular disease, hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse

The affected person usually feels a sense of incomplete evacuation even after having a bowel movement, and a feeling of fullness in the rectum.

Remedies for Constipation

Constipation is one of those medical problems that can be easily treated with a few self-care measures at home. The following lists some home remedies effective for treating the condition.

 The very first and the most important remedy is to drink plenty of water.

Warm water, if taken throughout the day, does wonders in the treatment. Six to eight glasses of water is what is required by the body to flush out toxins, and keep itself clean and healthy. Do not take any kind of beverages as it will aggravate the condition, and delay the healing period.

Eat fruits that can serve as laxatives

Fruits such as banana, apricots, etc should be eaten when you are suffering from constipation. Such fruits act as natural laxatives, and help in cleaning and toning up the intestines. These fruits are best effective when taken before meals. Other fruits which are equally effective for constipation relief are guava, pear, grapes, orange, papaya, figs, and lime.

To get relief from constipation, go with a high fiber diet.

Foods high in fiber aid the body to form soft and bulky stool which can be expelled without any strain. Beans, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. all come under high fiber foods. Cheese, meat or processed foods must be limited in their consumption as they have less or no fiber at all. Avoid taking rice, bread, pulses, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, fleshy foods, preserves, white sugar, and hard-boiled eggs, as such products tend to aggravate constipation.

Exercise can help to relieve constipation
Apart from following the above tips, here’s another technique which may be followed to treat the condition.

* Keep both your hands flat against your stomach and using light pressure, move them up and down, and from left to right across your stomach. It should be like a massaging motion over your abdomen. This exercise helps in targeting a point in the large intestine which can ease constipation and aid in bowel movement without straining. This method however, may not be so effective if a person is suffering from severe constipation.

You can also use some over the counter drugs
In some cases, remedies such as the above ones may not help enough to manage the symptoms. In such cases, you can go for over-the-counter laxatives such as fiber supplements, stimulants, lubricants, and stool softeners. Although these medications do help in constipation, their frequent use is advised against by medical experts only because they might become habit-forming. That is why they should be considered only when home remedies fail to help.

Preventing constipation is easier than treating it.
* Keep a regular schedule of exercise in your daily routine and ensure that you follow it.

* Do not curb the urge to go for your bowel movement. The more it is delayed, the more water is lost from the feces and this makes them all the more harder. And as aforementioned, include high-fiber foods in your diet,

*increase the quantity of fluid (especially water)

* reduce consumption of low-fiber food items.

Stay Healthy!!! And Feel free to share



A-Always Complaining

B-Belittle Self

C-Castigating Others

D-Dreamless Life

E-Endless Fear

F-Failures to Thrive/Push

G-Godless Life

H-Hoping Without Working

I-Insensitivity to Opportunity

J-Just Waiting for Manners

K-Knowledge Without Zeal

L-Living in Paradise Fool

M-Making Self Inferior 2 Life

N-Never Willing to Venture

O-Over Ambitions Behaviour

P-Procastination Habit

Q-Questioning Without Actio

R-Runing frm Responsibility

S-Self Defeat Attitude

T-Too Dependent on Others

U-Unforgiveness Character

V-Vision Without Drive

W-Wrong Association

X-Xenophobic Action to Life

Y-Yes to Divide and Rule

Z-Zeal With No Grace

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


CATHOLIC TEACHING ON FAMILY AND HUMAN LIFE........ Witnessing to the dignity of every human life ( Lenten Laity reflection ) .

The Catholic Church is very concern about the family , because family is the life of the church, the chrisitan community is a family of God. A family life is a life of the church, the church believes that all human life is SACRED, SPECIAL and PRECIOUS. The church respect and uphold the sacredness of life, that is why it frown and conderm any practices, or actions, that aimed at frustrating , maiming, killing and destroying life. The Catholic Church has a clear teaching on ways or means by which life is threatening, destroyed or frustrated.


1 ) Unlawful Sexual Intercourse : this involves having sexual activities outside christian wedlock, it consist of fornication ( sexual relations between unmarried people ) , adultery ( between married or married and unmarried persons ) , incest ( between closely related people in a family , lesbianism ( between two females ) , Homosexual ( between two males ) , Beastility ( between human and animal ) , Onanism ( sex that involves pouring sperm or seed of life outside where it ought to be poured . It is important to know that as chrisitans sex between one finacee who had done traditional marriage but not married in church is sinful and unlawful . This is because the marriage has not been blessed by God and witnessed by the family of God before consummation should take place thus traditional marriage is not a complete marriage by the church.

2. Artifical family planning : this involves means and practices that aid to prevent fertilization which suppose to have taken place naturally during coitus or sex. The church allows only natural family planning which is " BILLING'S METHOD OR LOVE AND LIFE METHOD" that uses the natural signs of the reproductive system of a human body to determine the fertility period of a woman. The church conderms condoms, implants, intrauterine devices, injections, drugs , intubulation of the cervix and womb, hormone injections and other artifical means that aimed at preventing pregnancy. All this process frustrate and destroy life.

3. Abortion : is the killing or destroying a life that is formed at conception or after conception or even after delivery. The church believes that life is SACRED, SPECIAL AND PRECIOUS, every life must be respected, protected and not destroyed . The church teaches that life start immediately when sperm fertilizes an egg of a woman therefore abortion of any artifical cause is sinful and murder. Natural abortion ( ectopic pregnancy induce abortion, spontanous abortion ) is not sinful, medically, any action that sincerely terminated a child inpreference to the mother is abortion and sinful, both life should be aimed at saving . It is important to know that advicing one, accompany one , recommending one , prescribing drug for one for the purpose of abortion or even doing the abortion in any means is sinful and evil.

4) Euthanasia : Is merciful or merciless killing . Killing aimed at easing sufering of one,  it can be inform of suicide, suffocation, over feeding one, over injecting one, removing or turning off life support of one, starving one aimed at promoting his or her death, and other means that aimed at fastening one death. The church teaches that one should not aid death in any form.

Finally, the church acknowleges that all these ways or practises that frustrates life is not easy to avoid and some people may had been victim of such due to lack of knowlege or ignorance, the church expect us to ask God for forgiveness by going for confession and doing all he or she can do to avoid all doing them again.

#Feel free to share

Sunday, 12 March 2017



How to Survive A Heart Attack When Alone

Since many people are alone when they suffer
a heart
attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating
improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about
10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However, these victims can help themselves by
coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.A deep breath
should be taken before each cough, and the cough
must be deep and prolonged, as when producing
sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every
two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until
the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep
breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing
movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood
The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it
regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims
can get to a hospital.

Rather than sharing jokes please.. contribute by
sharing this which can save a person's life!!!

# Copied #

Saturday, 11 March 2017

WHAT YOU GIVE IS WHAT YOU RECIEVES. .. nature always pay

Sunday reflection ..... let all ponder on this .

A woman baked bread for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept
the extra bread on the Window-sill, for whosoever would take it away. Everyday, a hunch-back came and took away the bread. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: "The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" This went on, day after day. Everyday, the hunch-back came, picked up the bread and uttered the words: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" The woman felt irritated. "Not a word of gratitude," she said to herself... "Everyday this hunch-back utters this jingle! What does he mean? "One day, out of despiration, she decided to do away with him. "I shall get rid of this hunch-back," she said. And what did she do? She added poison to the bread she prepared for him! As she was about to keep it on the window sill, her hands trembled. "What is this I am doing?" she said. Immediately she threw the bread into the fire, prepared another one and kept it on the window- sill. As usual, the hunch-back came, picked up the bread and muttered the words: "The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" The hunch-back proceeded on his way, blissfully unaware of the war raging in the mind of the woman. Everyday, as the woman placed the bread on the window-sill, she offered a prayer for her son who had gone to a distant place to seek his fortune. For many months, she had no news of him.. She prayed for his safe return. That evening, there was a knock on the door. As she opened it, she was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway.. He had grown thin and lean. His garments were tattered and torn. He was hungry, starved and weak. As he saw his mother, he said, "Mom, it's a miracle I'm here. While I was but a mile away, I was so hungry that I collapsed. I would have died, but just then an old hunch-back passed by. I begged of him for a small part of his food, and he was kind enough to give me whole bread. "As he gave it to me, he said, "This is what I eat everyday: today, I shall give it to you, for your need is greater than mine!" "As the mother heard those words, her face turned pale and red. She leaned against the door for support. She remembered the poisoned bread that she had made that morning. Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been eaten by her own son, and he would have lost his life! It was then that she realized the significance of the words: "The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!" Do good and; Don't ever stop doing good, even if it’s not appreciated at that time.
   If you like this, share it with others and I bet you, so many lives would be affected.

Monday, 27 February 2017

POLICE IS YOUR FRIEND .... A simple friendly way to know a real police officer in Nigeria


Here are some tips to guide us in our SECURITY CONSCIOUSNESS.

 This is the time we live in; we must learn to deal with it by GOD's Grace.

  1. Number tag of a real policeman must be six digits, less than six, is fake.

2. Only female police officers have their numbers begin with "0", any policeman with number beginning with "0" is fake.

 3. Every policeman's name tag is woven to the shirt, no more removable name tags.

 4. A distinction between the normal policeman and the SPY (supernumerary)  police personnel, is that a SPY number must be either three or four digits with the word "SPY" boldly inscribed on their uniform shoulder.   Please, at night be vigilant, always roll-up your windows in traffic,central lock your doors, be double sure they are true policemen, if they are not, be strong and speed off. Never get frightened. Be watchful, they are everywhere; educate your family members,neighbors, and friends. GOD Almighty will continue to protect us.

 SENT BY THE NIGERIAN POLICE. Remember elections is coming. Beware of fake police.

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


Catholic Church

In the Eastern rites of the Church it is common for
married men to be ordained to the priesthood. Further,
in the Latin rite there are a few married men,
converted ministers from other faiths, who are
ordained to the Catholic priesthood. This, however, is
not common. Finally, in neither the Latin rite nor the
Eastern rites do priests (or deacons) marry after they
have been ordained, except in extraordinary
The reasons Latin rite priests can’t marry is both
theological and canonical.
Theologically, it may be pointed out that priests serve
in the place of Christ and therefore, their ministry
specially configures them to Christ. As is clear from
Scripture, Christ was not married (except in a mystical
sense, to the Church). By remaining celibate and
devoting themselves to the service of the Church,
priests more closely model, configure themselves to,
and consecrate themselves to Christ.
As Christ himself makes clear, none of us will be
married in heaven (Mt 22:23–30). By remaining
unmarried in this life, priests are more closely
configured to the final, eschatological state that will be
all of ours.
Paul makes it very clear that remaining single allows
one’s attention to be undivided in serving the Lord (1
Cor 7:32–35). He recommends celibacy to all (1 Cor
7:7) but especially to ministers, who as soldiers of
Christ he urges to abstain from "civilian affairs" (2 Tm
Canonically, priests cannot marry for a number of
reasons. First, priests who belong to religious orders
take vows of celibacy. Second, while diocesan priests
do not take vows, they do make a promise of celibacy.
Third, the Church has established impediments that
block the validity of marriages attempted by those
who have been ordained. Canon 1087 states: "Persons
who are in holy orders invalidly attempt marriage."
This impediment remains as long as the priest has not
been dispensed from it, even if he were to attempt a
civil marriage, even if he left the Church and joined a
non-Catholic sect, and even if he apostatized from the
Christian faith altogether. He cannot be validly
married after ordination unless he receives a
dispensation from the Holy See (CIC 1078 §2, 1).


Monday, 30 January 2017

WHAT DOES VALENTINE MEAN TO YOU....... Congratulation to my man Raymond for finding the love of your life


 # CUPID #... She says, I love valentine, ahhahahahaha, would you be my VAL. ....... My friends, pals, what does Valentine mean to you, for me, is a season of love, as a friendship, she is one who believes in me , loves me and can be willing to be there for me , Ω̴̷̷̴̩̩̩̥̐͠o matter what, sees my weakness and strengthens me, hide my sorrows with touch of bliss, enkindle the light of love and joy in me, love me the way , I am, look in my eyes and says, am proud of you, your the best things that have happened to me, chop knockle, come on, give me a hug, your the man, this is my man, he is the man of the moment, hey, baby, or sweetheart, am here for you, that my lexicon of my VAL .

What of you ?.


Asking and receiving from God.

Sometimes we like carrying many luggage while traveling and this create a lot of inconveniences and hinders our rate of movement.
The same is applicable here in prayer. Some of us are still engaging in self righteous prayer. We like telling God to remember how we sing in the choir , pay tithe, do evangelism, construct mansions for the church etc though I am not against these services when they are done cheerfully. Now let's look at this prayer from Hezekiah from Isaiah 38:1-6

"In those days Hezekiah was sick and near death. And Isaiah thee prophet, the son of Amoz, went to him and said to him, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.’ ” 2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed to the LORD, 3 and said, “Remember now, O LORD, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is good in Your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. 4 And the word of the LORD came to Isaiah, saying, 5 “Go and tell Hezekiah, ‘Thus says the LORD, the God of David your
father: “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will add to your days fifteen years. 6 I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria, and I will defend this city.”
You see the reply from God? I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Not I have seen your good works.
Now under the Grace of God we are to simply ask using the name of Jesus Christ only. Let's look at John 16:23-27.

“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. 24 Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. 25 “These things I have spoken to you in figurative language; but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly about the Father. 26 In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; 27 for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God." You see? We're to simply ask using the name of Jesus Christ Co's our righteousnesses are like filthy/menstrual rags according to Isaiah 64:6.

let's embrace the finished works of Christ Jesus today. Amen.

Sunday, 29 January 2017


Big Brother Naija Eviction Week: Bally, Kemen, Marvis, TBoss And CoCoIce Up For Eviction

It was nomination week and five housemates: Bally Kemen, CocoIce , TBoss and Miyonse were nominated by the housemates for eviction after receiving the least votes.
Miyonse however was saved by new Head of House Uriel, who replaced him with Marvis. Housemates were called into the diary room by Biggie who gave them up to 45 mins to name their choice for eviction.
The eviction notices will be like a splash of cold water on housemates after just performing for Biggie and eliciting so much emotion that there was not a single dry eye in the house.
The nominations went as follows:
TallThinTony nominated Efe and Marvis
CoCoIce nominated Bisola and Uriel
Kemen nominated TallThinTony and Marvis
Uriel nominated Soma and Bally
Gifty went for Uriel and TallThinTony
Marvis nominated Kemen and Efe
Bally picked Uriel and Efe
Bisola nominated Efe and TallThinTony
TBoss nominated Bisola and Miyonse
Gifty nominated Uriel and TallThinTony
Efe nominated Marvis and TallThinTony
Miyonse chose TBoss and Soma.
At the end of the day, Bally, CoCoIce, Miyonse, TBoss and Kemen had the least votes. HOH Uriel decided to save Miyonse and replaced him with Marvis when given the opportunity by Biggie.
While the housemates expect the first eviction to take place on Sunday, Big Brother will be introducing a surprise, which is two additional housemates. The excitement continues so do not change the channel!

Saturday, 28 January 2017



National Hospital Abuja Recruitment 2017

National Hospital, Abuja,is offering recruitment opportunities to passionate and qualified candidates to fill the positions listed below:

Deadline: Submission of Applications ends 20 February, 2017

1) Vacancy for:

Candidates must possess:
MBBS Certificate;
NYSC Discharge Certificate or Certificate of Exemption;
Certificate of Registration/Practicing Licence of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria;

Pass in the Primary Fellowship Examination of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or its equivalent in the relevant specialty, within the past 4 years.
Job Field: Medical / Health

1. Anaesthesia
2. General Surgery
3. Orthopaedics
4. Obstetrics & Gynaecology
5. Ophthalmology
6. ENT
7. Dental & Maxillofacial
8. Oncology/ Radiotherapy
9. Radiology
10. Nuclear Medicine
11. Internal Medicine
12. Psychiatry
13. Family Medicine
14. Paediatrics
15. Chemical Pathology
16. Histopathology
17. Microbiology
18. Haematology

2) Vacancy for:
Job Type Full Time
Qualification BA/BSc/HND MBA/MSc/MA
Location Abuja
Job Field Medical / Health
Paediatrics (Cardiology)
Chemical Pathology
Clinical Microbiologist

Candidates must possess MBBS, NYSC Discharge or Exemption Certificate, current registration/practicing licence with Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, Fellowship of the National Post-Graduate Medical College of Nigeria or its equivalent in the relevant specialty.

3) Vacancy for:
Bsc/ BA/ HND

If you have any type of Bachelors degree or Higher National diploma degree, they are looking for graduate trainees in different departments.
Job Type is  Full Time
Qualification BA/BSc/HND
Location Abuja

4) Vacancy for:
Nursing Officer II (Peri Operative)
Job TypeFull Time
Experience 2 years
Location Abuja
Job Field Medical / Health
Candidates must possess RN;
NYSC Discharge Certificate or Certificate of Exemption;
Post-basic Certificate in Pen Operative Nursing, Cardiothoracic/ Intensive Care Nursing.
Current registration and practicing licence of the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN); and have,
Not less than 2 years cognate experience.

Apply to:
The Chief Medical Director,
National Hospital,
Plot 132, Central Business District (Phase II),
P. M. B. 425 Garki,
Note: Onlyshortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.

Friday, 27 January 2017



[28/01 4:47 AM] NWACHUKWU SCHOLAR: Do we believe in Dreams .... I do


WE ARE GOD'S LITTLE CHILDREN. .. We are God's delight ! We are God's big family

"We are God's delight, We are God little children, We are the heir to his kingdom ! We are God's big family ,We are the apple...
MAY 27, 2016 · FRIENDS
"We are God's delight, We are God little children, We are the heir to his kingdom ! We are God's big family ,We are the apple of God's eye"........ We are God's precious gift to mankind During my morning meditation and reflection this words keep pouring out from my heart : "We are God's delight, We are God little children, We are the heir to his kingdom ! We are God's big family ,We are the apple of God's eye"........ We are God's precious gift to mankind . I then remembered today is " Children day " . I was nostalgic remembering my children era. A couple of decades ago I am an African child and a child from an african parents born in a west African continent. I decided to express my felicity for this great day ; I pick up my pen and write thus : The African dream all started a couple of decades ago in the most populated black race country of the world. We were born great , emotional strong balance, and great willed, we have the African label and "swag" in us , we were proud and joyful when we were told we who we. I was born from an Igbo race in Southern Nigeria, in an ancient city known for their genius in entrepreneurship and business mindset, like other young lad of my prime , we were moulded and heated strongly like an alloy by nature and nurtue. I can vividly remember 80 percent of my childhood stage from the age 7. When the road were like path and birds of the air wakes us all with melodious song, " mgbe egu ka no na ukwu ukwa" when things around us like bright and bold, when children stay awake listening to folktales and words of wisdom from the elders and parents. When children can proudly tell u their two generation and comfortable tell you that I am the son of the soil. However, as a young lad growing up with my fellow lad, we can comfortable say that we came into the world as virgins and we are growing like virgins, we were exposed to a lot of handcraft which we display as our plays patterns and sporting events, different stunt display which are acrobatic in nature which the white folk revolutionised as gymnastics were done be we africans in our own way perfectly well, we were able to learn and learn perfectly well so many great crude scientific discovery from our older folks , the female were also creative and had many lovely artistic ability which also lure and attract us all together as if we are in concert, we were doing all this not knowing that nature was nurturing us and developing us with strong adaptive mechanism that will enable us to survive in our clime . We grew up when children must greet their elders and fear them so much as if they are village diety . Our parents were seen as "Prince of persia" whose authority and directive cannot be easily question while even our elder siblings plays a little low role as our parent but in absentia of our parent they may assume the same role as our parents. All these were instilling discipline and inculcate good moral in us. We grew up when children have to walk a long distance to primary school carrying metal casket which serves as school bag or just slate . We grew up as children when we go to school with no water can or bottles and food containing fast food or specially prepared food, we were left with our normal water proof water bag for drinking water if your to drink water at all. We were all happy doing all hard strenuous work during and after school , we were never found wanted in our church activities , we were children when children never stay where adult are discussing, children who don't eat unless they finish their work , children who eat after their parent had finished eating, children who feed with fellow sibling from one same big plate and ready to wait patiently for the next food if that one finishes, we were all doing this patiently and happily till 1993 .....the era of dark age set in. The year 1993 as I witnessed was an era of dark age because it was the year that ushered the high level of societal decadence , decline in societal values , norms and culture in all raminification , it resulted effect had a recurring decimal in our economy which gave birth to a cancer that started eating deep in our country Nigeria till date. I was a young lad then but I remembered vividly some chain of event " Oso MKO Abiola" and the resultant effect on our economy, things started getting worst, parent in a bid to meet up challenges, adult then and youth as well as children were all affected just like how the devil convinced Eve and Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, our eyes opened , the societal Olympus started falling , I will ask this pertinent rhetorical question ; WHO IS TO BE BLAME ?. LET PONDER ON THIS A father who loves his son will whip him often, so that he can be proud of him later. If a son is disciplined , he will be of some use and his father can boast of him to his friends. A man who gives good guidance to his son cannot only take pride in him among his friends but can make his enemies jealous. But a man who spoils his son will have to bandage his wounds. His heart will stop every time he hears a shout. If you pamper your child and play with him, he will be a disappointment and a source of grief. Laugh with him now and one day you will cry over him grinding your teeth in regret. Don't give him freedom while he is young and don't overlook what he does wrong. Beat him while he is still a child and make him respect your authority. If you don't he will be stubborn and disobedient and cause you nothing but sorrow. So discipline your son and give him work to do or else he will be an embarrassment to you.... Sirach 30 : 1 Furthermore, Children listen to me, I am your father. Do what I tell you and you will be safe. The lord had given fathers authority over their children and given children obligation to obey their mothers. If you respect your father you can make up for your sins, and if you honour your mother, you are earning greath wealth . If you respect your father, one day your own children will make you happy , the lord will hear your prayers. If you obey the lord by honouring your father and making your mother happy , you will live a long life. Obey your parents as if your their slave and honour your father In everything you do and say so that you may receive his blessing . When parents give their blessing , they give strenght to their children homes but when they curse their children , they destroy the very foundation. My son take care of your father when he grows old. Give him no cause for worry as long as he lives . Be sympathetic even if his mind fails him. Don't look down on him just because you are strong and healthy. The lord will not forget the kindness you show to your father. It will help to make up for your sins. When your in trouble the lord will remember your kindness and will help you , your sins will melt away like frost in warm sunshine. Whoever abandons his parents or gives them cause for anger may as well be cursing the lord : he is already under the lord curse. Sirach 3 : 1 MY SUBMISSION Today we celebrate Children day . It is a day for sober reflection on issues concerning an African child and children as well as growing african youth. Children are neglected and are victimised in so many ways by their parents and guardians, the Government , civil societies and church had failed to live up to their expectation in helping to promulgate moral discipline and protect the right and privileges of an African child. Today is also a day for all person who has a parent or guardian to show and payback with love and care for his or her parent for their role towards becoming what they are presently. Parents and guardians should note the following : # Children have right and privileges as a member of the family and society at large : parent should note any child they gave birth to have certain right and privileges which should not be disenfranchise at any time. All children has right of life, or live and not murdered by any means both abortion wise or after delivery. It is against natural law to kill or murder a child in any way and for any reasons. Life is precious and sacred. Nothing on earth is most precious and important to light. A child is to fed well , properly and when due, he is entitle to shelter, clothing and freedom to exist. He is entitle to either formal or informal education and other basic neccessity of life. Parent are obligated by God to train their children in a Godly way in-line with basic christian or religious teaching they profess which are not anti human and nature. # Always pray for your children : Parent has authority over their children. They have been given mandate to make a declaration or decree and it will stand ... Job 22 : 28. Every good parent should always bring all his or her children to God every morning and night before sleep. As a parent you have divine mandate to loose and bind any power and principality ( organised forced ) from satan that torment or want to lure your children using prayer... Mathew 18 : 18. Pray always for your children . Use Psalm 91 to cover your children. # learn how to appreciate your children. : One good turns deserve the other. " Eto dike na nke omere omekwa ozo " . In all situation give thanks to God for your children, some couples are looking for just one yet they are yet to have one. Learn how to pet your children , appreciate them when they do right , buy gift and appreciative items for your children , they are all you got when you age. # Your children should be your best friends : don't make your children to see you as fiery diety whose is annoying and terrifying. Some children don't feel good when they hear their parent is bad. Try to bridge communication gap between your children and you, try to know their mind, look at their eyes and know what they are passing through, have a listening ear. Know their deepest secret and plans. Know your friends boyfriend and girlfriends, know when the female children of your suppose to see her menstrual cycle, educate your children on sex education as they ought to know, let the bond be covalent enough, if your children are dating , invite their dates to have a chat with your family and to tell the date about the family cultural norms and values which he or she should not destroyed. # Be humane ; Always show love to your wards : your children are humans and deserved to be treated like human . When they err don't spare the rod and spoil the child but punish them in proportional to what they did. Inflicting injury to them or giving them body mark and other mundane activities should not be done. All human has an animal like tendency in them which should be tame when handling the children , don't allow anger to rule you when you want to punish your kids or children. Don't punish your children infront of their friends or people, give them some respect, remember you may punish them and force them to develop a sterotype which will always remind them how wicked and devilish your . # Be proud of your children : Learn how to be joyful of your children , call your children sweet names, pet them, don't call your children animal names, there is power in spoken words, research had proven that some words and names when use in harsh manner can trigger emotional instability in children . It can affect their behavioural pattern and reasonably as well as development. # Children are the most precious gift to the family : African children should not loose hope due to the nature and the present situation of the country, parents should always try to inculcate positive mindset in their children, always advice and cheer them up, encourage them and remind them who they are, tell them great story of people who were great and successful in the bible . Always remind them they can be like them if they have reverence for God and honour their father and mothers, always try to train your child in a Godly way so that when he grew up , he won't depart from it . Tell your wards that ; "We are God's delight, We are God little children, We are the heir to his kingdom ! We are God's big family ,We are the apple of God's eye"........ We are God's precious gift to mankind. #Dedicated to children all over the world especially to African children , all lover of children, all parent , all who guides and educates children, all pro lifers, all my academic children , my future children , God bless you all. I love you all, Happy Children day. Gratias.

Thursday, 26 January 2017

MOTHER EARTH AND KARMA ALWAYS PAY. ... what you give - you receive


CHRISTIANITY SECT ( CATHOLIC / PROTESTANT ISSUE  AND MUCH DESIRE FOR MONEY AND WEALTH ......... They are main reasons why some ladies will end up single or marrying a wrong guy and making a trouble home or even divorce

# You met a guy that is hardworking and willing to marry you but your parents or siblings or even your friends who are pentecostal advice or keep pushing you not to marry him , are you marrying for them or marrying for your pastors or reverend or religion ? .

# You met a guy newly whom keep showing affection and care to you and you want to dry his pocket so fast by demanding huge sum of money from him with no obvious reason in this present harsh economy just to scare him away for a richer guy , .. Are you falling for money ?

# Your dating a guy that using techno phone while you keep asking him to guy I phone or expensive tablet lol, are you dating a phone ?

# A guy you met when your looking admission and whose luck and money helped you got admission, he keep training and suddenly you dump him for a richer guy , I hope evil men do still affect them ?

# Your a fine lady who always get what she want even to an extent of taking life of an unborn child ..... Do laws of Karma still works ?

# You keep changing dates like underwear cos your looking for Mr right like Alice in wonderland and your time keep going,..... Are you really looking for a soulmate or funmate

# You keep turning down men that show interest in you just because they look not rich enough or because they are not handsome or learned or even with a ride..... Can you imagine that the man can be rich tommorrow ?

# you keep snubing and pretending to be who your not even when it is obvious that you don't have what it takes to be in that high class, may be your parents got your back ..... You think guys can't plan get you and turn back to their real self

 # You keep domineering in your relationship as if your man doesn't have what it takes to stand up and be incharge just because your learned or have resources that can solve almost all your needs...... Do you really think that makes you a man

# Life is a two edge sword or a double barrel gun , action and reaction are equal and opposite, what you sow ; you reap, the way you make your bed so you will lie on , our tommorrow's life is dependent on our today , be conscious of your present cos your tommorrow depends on it


Value relationships in time

It was their anniversary, and Aisha was waiting for her husband Rasheed to show up. Things had changed since their marriage, the once cute couple couldn’t-live-without-each-other had turned bitter.

Fighting over every little things, both didn’t like the way things had changed. Aisha was waiting to see if Rasheed remembered it was their anniversary!

Just as the door bell rang she ran to find her husband wet and smiling with a bunch of flowers in his hand. The two started re-living the old days. Making up for fights, then was d plan for dinner .And it was raining outside! It was perfect.

But the moment paused when the phone in the bedroom rang.

Aisha went to pick it up and it was a man. “Hello ma’am I’m calling from the police station. Is this Mr Rasheed Bello's number?”

“Yes it is!”

“I’m sorry ma’am; but there was an accident and a man died. We got this number from his wallet; we need you to come and identify his body.”

Aisha’s heart sank.!!! She was shocked! But my husband is here with me?”

“Sorry ma’am, but the incident took place at 2 pm, when he was boarding the taxi.”

Aisha was about to lose her conscience. How could this happen?!

She had heard about the soul of the person coming to meet a loved one before it leaves!

She ran into the other room. He was not there. It was true! had left her for good!!

Oh God she would have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She rolled on the floor in pain. She lost her chance! Forever!

Suddenly there was a noise from the bathroom, the door opened and Rasheed came out and said “Darling, I forgot to tell you my wallet got stolen today”.


Let’s start making amends.

To parents
To siblings
To friends
And many more.

No one has a promised tomorrow. Have a wonderful Life with no regrets!

Please do not forget to share with you loved ones

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

AFRICAN DREAM ....We all dream of greatness

An African Dream and Vision ; a dream to be the first, Vision to be great and successful
JUNE 6, 2016 · FRIENDS
MORNING REFLECTION...... An African Dream and Vision ; a dream to be the first, Vision to be great and successful Couple of decades ago, we were in elementary school, I had some mate who attends the same school with me, I can remember vividly when our teacher ask us what we would love to be when we grow up, it was quite entertaining as we all call out great professions, some said Reverend father, Doctors, Nurses, Engineer, Pharmacist, Scientist, governor, president, Soldier, etc, . Indeed it was a great and lovely day, some years later we saw our self in College level, as time goes on, many lost track of this great dreams and vision, few couldn't go on to further their Education, some have to venture into business, few lost track of it , I can remember few that became parent ; they got a teenager pregnant or got pregnant by a man and end up marrying, with kids, and have their dream and vision thwarted, they couldn't go for it again, am not pinpointing that marriage is not cool , am just saying that the dream they profess was murdered that they couldn't achieve it again, I knew friends who got pregnant in their family house, and their vision became redirected to parenting and house wife role, some even gave birth in their fathers house and lost it all, few got pregnant , went for abortion and lost their life, some became exposed to deadly infectious disease and later died of it. Some were lured by their friends and they lost the dream and vision to the extent it became diffcult to retrace their step. I knew quite a reasonable number that work against all odds and were able to fulfils their dreams today. We all want to be great and successful, everybody want to be somebody noble , august or notorious, all human want to be famous, a poor man want to be rich , a rich man want to remain at the top of success ladder, there is plenty of room at the top but not enough room to sit down However, history is filled with examples of people who were rich but became poor, people who were winners but later became losers, people who climbed the ladder of success and later lost their glory. They got to the apogee and relaxed , forgetting that success is more difficult to manage than failure. For instance, : When Noah had a vision he built an ark when he lost his vision , he got drunk, When Samson had a vision ; he could kill lions and demolish the city gates but when he lost his vision ; he couldn't win over Delilah , Solomon had a vision and became the wisest man in the world ; when he lost his dream ; he bowed to the idol called "Woman" . Alexander the great had a vision ; he conquered nations but when he lost his vision , he could not conquer alcohol. David had a vision, he conquered Goliath but when he lost his vision he couldn't conquer his own lust. Elijah had a vision ; he could pray down fire from heaven but when he lost that vision he ran from Jezebel. Peter had a vision he could walk above the sea, but when he lack the vision he began to sink, Ronaldiho had a vision when he was in barcelona, he can dribble and display great skill and score but when he lost the vision he began to club and pride, Jose Mourinho was focused and with vision , he led Chelsea to win three premier leagues and other titles in 110 year history of Chelsea FC but when he lost a little focus he was fired by the Chelsea board MORAL LESSON ..... Let ponder on this #Be vigilance in watching opportunities,fast and daring in seizing opportunities,force and persistence in crowding opportunity to its utmost of possible achievement , these are the martial virtues which command success... Be humble and Avoid Pride # Discover your dream and visions # Discover your potential dream and vision murderers or killers, if your dream had been murdered, you can bounce back like Jose mouriho # Detach yourself from dream and vision killers and fill your self with dream and vision builders . Dream and vision builders are word of God, Holy Spirit , Jesus christ , Saint and angels in heaven, good friends , good role models. Read the bible and good inspirational books, go to church and seek for God presence in your life, make friends that have similar dreams and vision with you, avoid friends that can't help you actualize your dreams and visions. Dream and vision killers are people, materials, events, places, articles, food, thought, behaviour, mood, or anything that brings negativity to you and lead you to sin or corrupt mindset, # Confess your sins, Submit to God, desist the devil all his manipulation and damnation, come close to God, God will come close to you #It is dreams and visions that keep us young, Refuse to be relaxed with your present or past little victories, see greater height ahead ! , Be strong when your weak, be brave when your scared , be humble when your victorious, Be real, don't change so that people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the REAL YOU. The real you has not been discovered by the world ?. Refuse to give up, Don't allow your dream and vision to die, Don't give up, Hold that dream, pray about your life dreams now ! . Refuse to give up , find a way or make a way, if you go for an interview and your told that there is no space or vacant, tell them , you will create a space or vacant , pride they say comes before fall, no one is indispensable, the world doesn't revolve around anybody, Learn to be humble, always accept your weakness, pray ceaselessly that you will not give in to pride. A man pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honour ...Proverb 29 : 23 . Do not take the credit or the glory that belongs to God, Don't assume his place rather appreciate him for doing something good. Be thankful . Be positive all time, your a poem being written by God. You are the masterpiece , he is still painting. You are the shinning star he is preparing to show the world. Your blessed ! . Hold on to that dream and create a ministry of defence around it. You will shine ! #Culled from Our Daily Manna and Divine touch Devotional prayer

MY GIRLFRIEND IS BETTER THAN YOURS .... oh yes she is hotter than yours

Monday, 23 January 2017


He works as a Statistician but has plans to start his own digital content creation company. He says he’s doing this because he doesn’t lik
e stagnancy and enjoys rebelling and challenging himself. He adds that it’s one of the reasons why he’s living on his own in Lagos with the rest of his family in Abuja. He has four siblings and doesn’t really consider himself that important since he’s the middle child. He credits this is as being one of the reasons he’s so chilled and easy going. He’s got a girlfriend but doesn’t really get to see her often because she’s a Lawyer and works long hours.



Ladies, 10 things you shouldn't do when you meet a new
guy or new catch.

(1) Don't take your friends along with you when he invites
you on a date

(2) Don't go to his house unannounced

(3) Don't ask him for money

(4) Don't compare him to your ex or talk about your ex, only
if he request

(5) Don't get drunk on your first outing with him.

(6) Don't wear see through or exposing outfits on your first

(7) Don't bore him with all your family or personal issues

(8) Don't talk about Marriage

(9) Don't pry about the size of his pocket, his earnings or
the car he drives

(10) Don't be too quick to post his picture on instagram,
Facebook, (social media) etc.
Some Ladies today wonder why after a guy has shown
interest in them or after 2/3 dates he disappears or doesn't
return their phone calls, text bbms. I have listed some of
these reasons above.

1) Don't take your friends along when he invites you on a
date: Some Nigerian Ladies for some reason that is
beyond me, take their friends on a date with a guy they
just met. I can attest to this because it has happened to
me before. No positive outcome can come out of this but
some of the negatives are:

(i) The guy will be turned off

(ii) He may start liking or prefer one for your friends to you

(iii) He will never get the opportunity to know you as much
as he wants because of the 3rd wheel

(iv) He may think you don't have a mind of your own

(v) He may turn you and your friends back

(2) Don't go to his house unannounced: One thing a man
hates the most is for you to show up at his house
unannounced or invited especially when he just met you.
That's a "NO NO" because he'll just think you're a stalker
or a psycho and he'll act out.. Some ladies out of emotions
and lack of trust show up at a guys house, what they don't
know is they are pushing him away or giving him reasons
to leave.

(3) Don't ask him for Money: Some Ladies meet a guy and
in less than 2/3 weeks the demands start rolling in. Please
pay for my hair, buy me birkin bag for my birthday, my
rent is due, or plain & simply, I need 500k or 1 million.
Every guy would take off when they meet a Lady like this.
They would say she's opportunistic and compare her to
the ladies who are not asking them for a kobo or dime.

(4) Don't compare him to your ex or talk about your ex,
only if he requests: Some Ladies compare and contrast
their new guy to their old one, not only in their mind but to
his face as well. They say things like my Ladi used to take
me to KFC you're taking me to Mr Biggs, Jide bought me
Prada for my birthday last year you're buying me Zara..
Guys hate being compared, it punctures their Ego so allow
him be the Boss and take you out, don't compare or dictate
terms of dates or gifts.

(5) Don't be to quick to upload his pictures on Instagram,
Facebook, Twitter (Social Media) : Ladies, you just met a
guy, a new flame, the relationship is at its early stages,
there's still so much you don't know about him why upload
his pictures for the world to see? The relationship may not
even be defined yet.. By doing this, you're giving people
room to influence and alter your infant relationship. Also
you don't want to be like those people who have to cleanse
their instagram and Facebook pages of a guys picture
every 6 months because of a breakup.

(6) Don't wear see through or exposing outfits on your first
date: Guys are very Impulsive and instinctive by nature, by
wearing a dress or gown that's says "SEX" that's all that
will be on his mind and nothing else. He won't want to hear
anything about you anymore; your personality, your job,
your family etc. All he'll be thinking about is how he'll take
you to his house or hotel room because you've sent him a
signal saying you want sex.

(7) Don't bore him with your Family issues: Some ladies
carry their personal or family problems out with them on
dates, instead of making waves and progress with their
new guy, they talk about how their house got burnt last
week, or how their friend always borrows money or clothes
from them, or how they hate their sisters or brothers.. All
these are TMI (Too Much Information) Focus on him and
let him Focus on you.. Don't allow extraneous variables
creep in and take over your conversation.

(8) Don't talk about marriage or the future: The number
one thing guys are scared of after God is Commitment or
Marriage so if you just met a guy and you're already
talking about marriage or children he is definitely going to
take off and say you're putting him under pressure and he
can't keep up.. Let him be the one to bring it up not you
because he'll say you're desperate.

(9) Don't pry about his pocket, earnings or the car he
drives: A friend of mine went on a Blind Date at Radisson
(Lagos) to meet a Lady who his cousin had introduced him
to through Instagram. He complained he had not even
ordered a drink when his date asked him: What car do you
drive? That was her first question.. "What do you drive?"
Most guys would be offended by this and even have a
negative impression about you immediately, because a
guy would wonder do u like me or my car?

(10) Don't get drunk on your first outing with him: Firstly
Ladies, this is for your own safety a lot of ladies have
been taken advantage of because they were intoxicated.
You also don't want to embarrass yourself and say or do
things that you can't defend or verify.

#Culled from a friend Diary