Sunday, 2 April 2017


Happy new month and April words for my pals

we alway say that every disappointment is a blessing, but I think it is not always the literal interpretation, Every disappointment is not always a blessing but a cross we have to carry for the next appointment to come at it own time, life does not always work out the way we plan it, cos if we dont succeed, we should dust it off and try again, every silver crowd has it lining, there is no smoke without fire, success comes at last but not at the begining, dont give up on anything u like so much or anything or body that gladens your heart, keep working hard, doing your best cos at the appointed time, the cross will become a crown. The popular April fools became an august fool beacause he gave up when things become hard or when disppointment became a recurring decimal and a phenomenon in his life, This is my April lovely wish for you and I. Thank God for making this come to my mindset, i really learnt alot from today. You can share to your friends ,I love you all.