Sunday, 2 April 2017


Happy new month and April words for my pals

we alway say that every disappointment is a blessing, but I think it is not always the literal interpretation, Every disappointment is not always a blessing but a cross we have to carry for the next appointment to come at it own time, life does not always work out the way we plan it, cos if we dont succeed, we should dust it off and try again, every silver crowd has it lining, there is no smoke without fire, success comes at last but not at the begining, dont give up on anything u like so much or anything or body that gladens your heart, keep working hard, doing your best cos at the appointed time, the cross will become a crown. The popular April fools became an august fool beacause he gave up when things become hard or when disppointment became a recurring decimal and a phenomenon in his life, This is my April lovely wish for you and I. Thank God for making this come to my mindset, i really learnt alot from today. You can share to your friends ,I love you all.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

MY MOTHER IS A HEROINE. .. Happy Mother's day to all mothers all over the world

MY MOTHER IS MY HEROINE..... Happy Mothers day mum


M - is for MUM,
U - is for Unique in every way
M - is for Memories enshrined forever
With a mum like you I could never be glum

Your smile is like sunshine, it warms me through and through
Your eyes are pools of liquid love that just makes me want to cry
To hug you till I die

When I was little you showed your love in every way
By applying magic plasters and kisses by the day
Every hurt you healed with loving grace
Bringing back a smile to my tearstained face

Nothing was ever too much for you
You were my taxi, my mentor, my mum
All I asked of you, with love you would do
Sometimes with a sigh, a look, a gesture
But always with buckets of love by the measure

When I was inconsolable and my heart was broken
Your arms around me, loving words were spoken
You gave me faith and hope that love would be mine one day
That my knight in shining armor would surely come my way

You were there when my hand was given away,
and cried as dad handed me over
You gave me a hug and squeezed my hand, its' ok, love,
I'll always be here for you night and day

You took turns in mopping my brow when my babies came along
You gave me support and strength to carry on
Helped me through teething, colic and broken bones
Always with compassion, caring and calm

Mum, my debt to you is undisputed
My love for you unconditional and limitless
You are my rock, my anchor, my safe harbor in times of stress
Thanks mum, for everything, I love you


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Understanding The Signs Of Diabetes Disease

Diabetes, often referred to as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. Early diagnosis of the early signs of diabetes, can stop the disease from advancing. So, what are the different diabetes symptoms that  we can show? Let’s find out from the write up below.

Usually referred to as the silent killer, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death amongst human beings all over the world. The weird thing about this disease is that men are more prone to it than women, according to a recent statistical report. The only way to make sure that you can be safe from this killer is to detect its symptoms at an early stage, and to understand the signs, you first have to understand how the body gets affected by this condition.

Humans need glucose which is derived from the various foods we consume for energy to perform our day to day activities. These foods when consumed turn into sugar, which then spreads to all the various parts of the body. The sugar levels are controlled by the secretion of insulin by the pancreas in our body. When a person suffers from this condition, his/her pancreas fails to produce enough insulin for the body and the end result is diabetes.

 Signs of Diabetes

One of the main causes of diabetes is poor health and lots of stress and tension. It’s very surprising to see an increase in the number of diabetics every year. If not taken proper care of, this deadly disease can result in grave danger and lead to many other health complications. So many dangers and yet men don’t even realize that they suffer from it until it’s too late. So, to make sure that the situation doesn’t get out of hand, here’s a list of some of the early signs for your perusal.

Erectile Dysfunction

One symptom of diabetes which occurs only in men and it’s called erectile dysfunction. This disorder slowly injures the blood vessels in and around the penis. This damage makes it impossible for a man to get an erection. It is not an early sign of the disease though.

 Frequent Urination (Polyuria)

The most common sign of diabetes is frequent urination which is also known as polyuria. This is probably one of the most annoying symptoms that a diabetic patient has to face daily. It’s caused due to the rise of glucose levels in the body, which hampers the kidneys to such an extent that it cannot filter or absorb water properly.

Fatigue and Exhaustion

Experiencing fatigue, stress, and exhaustion on a daily basis is also a prominent diabetic sign. As the pancreas  is unable to break the sugars into glucose, the male always feels low on energy.

Polydypsia (Drinking lots of water)

Feeling thirsty all the time is one of the foremost signs. It occurs because the high levels of glucose absorb the moisture content of the body.

 Blurry Vision

This ailment may also cause problems with the vision. Medical reports say that the high levels of glucose affect the lens of the eyes. It can also damage the rear blood vessels of the eye, which often leads to permanent blindness.

Increased Appetite
If you feel hungry or are starved all the time, there’s a high chance that you are a diabetic man. A sudden increase in appetite is a strong indication towards diabetes.

 Weight loss

A sudden increase or decrease in weight is also a warning for this condition. When a man suffers from this disease, the body wastes more sugar as a result of frequent urination. For proper nourishment, the body then starts using up the proteins in the body, which leads to unexplainable weight loss.

 General Body Pain

Severe headache and muscle & body pain also indicate diabetes. A person suffering from diabetes may also suffer from irregular sleep patterns.

 Delayed Wound Healing

The most important sign of this silent killer in men is delayed wound healing. What causes this slow healing is still a matter of debate. Nerve damage and numbness in fingers, toes, and other parts of the body is also a sign of this dangerous disorder.

 Diabetes is a dangerous disease and if not taken proper care of, it can lead to various health complications, which will ultimately result in the death of a person. Knowing the early signs of this ailment is an effective way to ensure that proper treatment is taken at the right time, which will ultimately avoid further damage. Remember, a stitch in time they say, saves nine.

Stay Healthy!!!

Friday, 17 March 2017


#SadButTrue Series

1. Realize this: No matter what you say and how you say it, SOME people will never get it. That's not your fault! #SadButTrue

2. No matter how pure your motives are, SOMEBODY will still accuse you of ill intentions. Stay pure anyways. #SadButTrue

3. No matter how humble you are, somebody will still consider you proud. Stay humble, anyway. #SadButTrue

4. No matter how generous you are, somebody will still call you "selfish". Remain generous, anyway. #SadButTrue

5. Some of your greatest pains will come from those you gave the most pleasure.#SadButTrue

6. Some of your greatest disappointments will come from those you gave your best appointments. #SadButTrue

7. Some of the worst things you'd hear about yourself may come from those you speak the best of. #SadButTrue

8. Not everyone in your ship is paddling in the direction of your dream destination. Discernment is key. #SadButTrue

9. Loving people sometimes means feeling used by them.

10. If you fall for the temptation to take an eye for an eye, you'd be blinded to the bounties God has in store. #SadButTrue

11. Sometimes, doing the right think ends up making you look like a fool. #SadButTrue

12. Tough as it seems, any evil done against you can become a seed for your promotion. It depends on your response. #SadButTrue

13. I'd rather appear foolish now and see the wisdom of God unfold than appear wise now and turn out a fool later. #SadButTrue

14. Promotion doesn't come by fighting for your rights but by being faithful in doing what is right. #SadButTrue

15. Those who will enjoy true promotion must be willing to forgive freely, forgive quickly and forgive wholly. #SadButTrue

16. Those who will relish true promotion must be willing to serve many for free!

17. Read with caution: Sometimes, to see what God can do, you have to be willing to stop what you can do. #SadButTrue

18. Without God's sign off, your biggest step can turn out to be your biggest mistake. #SadButTrue

19. Pain has a higher potential to toughen you up than pleasure does. #SadButTrue

20. Problems are easier to solve than people. #SadButTrue

21. Many people will celebrate you only as long as your advancement doesn't exceed their expectations of you. #SadButTrue

22. Some people get close enough to you just to find something bad about you to broadcast to the world. #SadButTrue

23. Some people are quiet when you're succeeding but quick to point out your failures.

24. Some people are in your life for a reason. Some people in your life would prefer to see you in prison. #SadButTrue

25. Love your enemies. Pray for them that despitefully use you. That hasn't changed. #SadButTrue

26. Hating those who hate you makes them your leaders, since you're following their footsteps. #SadButTrue

27. Rather than react to the situation. Respond to your revelation. #SadButTrue

28. When people show you who they REALLY are, show them who God is- Good! Always do them good. #SadButTrue

29. We don't do to people what they've done to us. We do to them what God's done to us. We love them. #SadButTrue

30. Believe the best even when you're going through the worst. #SadButTrue

31. Keeping a grudge is like keeping garbage you can't use, yet it's taking up space and no one is paying you rent. #SadButTrue

32. Malice is a demonstration of your faith in the pain caused you in the past. It keeps you stuck. #SadButTrue

33. Rather than perpetuate pain. Promote peace, stir up joy and spread love. #SadButTrue

34. They hurt you?Don't hold it against them. Hold them up in prayer. #SadButTrue

35. Some people may think this post is targeted at them. No. Everyone alive will need one of the points at some point. #SadButTrue

36. Forgiving people is not just a good idea. It's a GOD idea. Actually, more than an idea. It's an instruction. #SadButTrue

37. How you respond to a situation can be more important than the situation. #SadButTrue

38. Your ability to overlook an offense determines the degree of dominion you'd exercise over many other things. #SadButTrue

39. Wisdom will help you solve problems. A large heart will help you accommodate people. You need both. #SadButTrue

40. When all is said and done, let the love of God in your heart pour through your daily
walk. Peace to you. #SadButTrue

Thursday, 16 March 2017


How To Relief Yourself Of Constipation Easily

Constipation is a bothersome and painful experience. Most people don’t like talking about it because they find it unpleasant to relate with. Everyone of us at a particular time in our life has had constipation before.  This article gives you some helpful tips for fast constipation relief. Constipation is basically a digestive disorder and can be caused by myriads of things.

Factors associated with diet, hormones, anatomical and medication side effects, or certain illnesses may affect the excretion process, resulting in hard faeces that are difficult to expel. When the food moves through the gastrointestinal tract too slowly, it causes the colon to absorb more water from the food, which in turn makes the faeces abnormally hard and dry. People suffering from this illness experience infrequent bowel movements and pass hard stools or strain during bowel movements.

The prominent symptoms of constipation include

Passing out hard stools,

Passing out less than three stools a week,

Abdominal pain while passing stools, and

Experiencing a feeling of rectal blockage.

Straining to have bowel movements

Hard and/or small stools

Abdominal bloating, occasionally distension

Anal bleeding or tear from the trauma caused by hard stools

Occasionally diarrhea due to obstruction of the colon by hard stool

Rarely colonic perforation

Psychological distress and/or obsession with having bowel movements

Possible aggravation of diverticular disease, hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse

The affected person usually feels a sense of incomplete evacuation even after having a bowel movement, and a feeling of fullness in the rectum.

Remedies for Constipation

Constipation is one of those medical problems that can be easily treated with a few self-care measures at home. The following lists some home remedies effective for treating the condition.

 The very first and the most important remedy is to drink plenty of water.

Warm water, if taken throughout the day, does wonders in the treatment. Six to eight glasses of water is what is required by the body to flush out toxins, and keep itself clean and healthy. Do not take any kind of beverages as it will aggravate the condition, and delay the healing period.

Eat fruits that can serve as laxatives

Fruits such as banana, apricots, etc should be eaten when you are suffering from constipation. Such fruits act as natural laxatives, and help in cleaning and toning up the intestines. These fruits are best effective when taken before meals. Other fruits which are equally effective for constipation relief are guava, pear, grapes, orange, papaya, figs, and lime.

To get relief from constipation, go with a high fiber diet.

Foods high in fiber aid the body to form soft and bulky stool which can be expelled without any strain. Beans, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, etc. all come under high fiber foods. Cheese, meat or processed foods must be limited in their consumption as they have less or no fiber at all. Avoid taking rice, bread, pulses, cakes, pastries, biscuits, cheese, fleshy foods, preserves, white sugar, and hard-boiled eggs, as such products tend to aggravate constipation.

Exercise can help to relieve constipation
Apart from following the above tips, here’s another technique which may be followed to treat the condition.

* Keep both your hands flat against your stomach and using light pressure, move them up and down, and from left to right across your stomach. It should be like a massaging motion over your abdomen. This exercise helps in targeting a point in the large intestine which can ease constipation and aid in bowel movement without straining. This method however, may not be so effective if a person is suffering from severe constipation.

You can also use some over the counter drugs
In some cases, remedies such as the above ones may not help enough to manage the symptoms. In such cases, you can go for over-the-counter laxatives such as fiber supplements, stimulants, lubricants, and stool softeners. Although these medications do help in constipation, their frequent use is advised against by medical experts only because they might become habit-forming. That is why they should be considered only when home remedies fail to help.

Preventing constipation is easier than treating it.
* Keep a regular schedule of exercise in your daily routine and ensure that you follow it.

* Do not curb the urge to go for your bowel movement. The more it is delayed, the more water is lost from the feces and this makes them all the more harder. And as aforementioned, include high-fiber foods in your diet,

*increase the quantity of fluid (especially water)

* reduce consumption of low-fiber food items.

Stay Healthy!!! And Feel free to share



A-Always Complaining

B-Belittle Self

C-Castigating Others

D-Dreamless Life

E-Endless Fear

F-Failures to Thrive/Push

G-Godless Life

H-Hoping Without Working

I-Insensitivity to Opportunity

J-Just Waiting for Manners

K-Knowledge Without Zeal

L-Living in Paradise Fool

M-Making Self Inferior 2 Life

N-Never Willing to Venture

O-Over Ambitions Behaviour

P-Procastination Habit

Q-Questioning Without Actio

R-Runing frm Responsibility

S-Self Defeat Attitude

T-Too Dependent on Others

U-Unforgiveness Character

V-Vision Without Drive

W-Wrong Association

X-Xenophobic Action to Life

Y-Yes to Divide and Rule

Z-Zeal With No Grace

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


CATHOLIC TEACHING ON FAMILY AND HUMAN LIFE........ Witnessing to the dignity of every human life ( Lenten Laity reflection ) .

The Catholic Church is very concern about the family , because family is the life of the church, the chrisitan community is a family of God. A family life is a life of the church, the church believes that all human life is SACRED, SPECIAL and PRECIOUS. The church respect and uphold the sacredness of life, that is why it frown and conderm any practices, or actions, that aimed at frustrating , maiming, killing and destroying life. The Catholic Church has a clear teaching on ways or means by which life is threatening, destroyed or frustrated.


1 ) Unlawful Sexual Intercourse : this involves having sexual activities outside christian wedlock, it consist of fornication ( sexual relations between unmarried people ) , adultery ( between married or married and unmarried persons ) , incest ( between closely related people in a family , lesbianism ( between two females ) , Homosexual ( between two males ) , Beastility ( between human and animal ) , Onanism ( sex that involves pouring sperm or seed of life outside where it ought to be poured . It is important to know that as chrisitans sex between one finacee who had done traditional marriage but not married in church is sinful and unlawful . This is because the marriage has not been blessed by God and witnessed by the family of God before consummation should take place thus traditional marriage is not a complete marriage by the church.

2. Artifical family planning : this involves means and practices that aid to prevent fertilization which suppose to have taken place naturally during coitus or sex. The church allows only natural family planning which is " BILLING'S METHOD OR LOVE AND LIFE METHOD" that uses the natural signs of the reproductive system of a human body to determine the fertility period of a woman. The church conderms condoms, implants, intrauterine devices, injections, drugs , intubulation of the cervix and womb, hormone injections and other artifical means that aimed at preventing pregnancy. All this process frustrate and destroy life.

3. Abortion : is the killing or destroying a life that is formed at conception or after conception or even after delivery. The church believes that life is SACRED, SPECIAL AND PRECIOUS, every life must be respected, protected and not destroyed . The church teaches that life start immediately when sperm fertilizes an egg of a woman therefore abortion of any artifical cause is sinful and murder. Natural abortion ( ectopic pregnancy induce abortion, spontanous abortion ) is not sinful, medically, any action that sincerely terminated a child inpreference to the mother is abortion and sinful, both life should be aimed at saving . It is important to know that advicing one, accompany one , recommending one , prescribing drug for one for the purpose of abortion or even doing the abortion in any means is sinful and evil.

4) Euthanasia : Is merciful or merciless killing . Killing aimed at easing sufering of one,  it can be inform of suicide, suffocation, over feeding one, over injecting one, removing or turning off life support of one, starving one aimed at promoting his or her death, and other means that aimed at fastening one death. The church teaches that one should not aid death in any form.

Finally, the church acknowleges that all these ways or practises that frustrates life is not easy to avoid and some people may had been victim of such due to lack of knowlege or ignorance, the church expect us to ask God for forgiveness by going for confession and doing all he or she can do to avoid all doing them again.

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